Saturday, February 25, 2012

The Valentine Gift Failure

We had our first Valentine's Day as a married couple and it was great! We had cinnamon rolls for breakfast and we went to Costa Vida for dinner. It was a lot of fun. Then we had a small gift exchange. We don't have much money so I thought it would be great to get Mike two of his favorite treats for Valentine's Day, since we never buy them. I got him snickers bars and twinkies. He always talks about snickers bars and our freshman year he would always as our student coordinator to get him twinkies (she never did). So I thought this would be great. We exchange gifts and he gets me my favorite candy bar. He then asks me what made me pick twinkies. I tell him why, and then notice the look on his face. Turns out he doesn't like twinkies! Fail! I guess he never really wanted them freshman year he just thought it was funny, and he knew our student coordinator would never get them for him. I guess I should have asked first.... next time I'll know better.